Alice via Virginia 7th February 2024

Dear Ginny, Dad was very fond - and proud - of Edward and I too was proud, when we were both on the Oxbridge running “circuit”, to be able to say he went to school with me, lived at the end of my road, and his Mum taught me Spanish (that’s an understatement). But there was something more than that; I always felt I related to Edward even though we didn’t speak much. I wish I’d spoken to him more now (opportunities rarely presented themselves but one often naively assumes there will be more). I was always excited when Edward was at a race I was at in latter years. I would say to Dad or vice versa, “Did you know Edward Catmur’s here?” I’m pretty sure the last time was the London Marathon about 5 years ago - recognisable in his Thames vest - when Edward didn’t have a great run if I remember well (and I mean in terms of his objective set). I even think he stopped to chat briefly to Dad and me (as he was off his target, he could spare the time 😊). I’m so proud he lived down the end of my road (where I was just two days ago and held you all very present as I went past your old house). No need to reply. Just wanted you to have these thoughts to read if and when you want. Alice x