Peter Martin (ex-SYO) 7th February 2024

Hi Ginny, It's been a very long time - I don't know whether you'll remember me. I played trumpet in Stoneleigh (1998-2002). I have very fond memories of my time in Stoneleigh, especially the tours abroad. Years later, I worked with Ed at Bloomberg. We started at around the same time and were in the same team for a while. I'm lucky to have been able to count Ed as one of my closest friends at the company. It took me a while for me to connect the dots and realise that you were related. At some point I think Ed mentioned orienteering and it all clicked! (although it should have sooner, with such a strong family resemblance). After Ed left Bloomberg some years back, we stayed in touch. I hadn't seen him in person for quite some time but we met up for drinks last time he was in New York (he was in town for a casual marathon, I think!) We've been chatting in a group chat (with some other friends from Bloomberg) for years, on a near-daily basis. We were all absolutely shocked to hear the news, and will miss him terribly. Ed really was unique. Energetic, exceptionally talented, unfailingly cheerful and always generous with his time. When it came to programming, he was always a fount of knowledge and a kind mentor to others. Best wishes and condolences again, Pete