Jayne Sales (ex-SLOW) 7th February 2024

Hi Ginny, It's difficult to know what to say but I wanted to write and tell you just how sad I was to get the terrible news about Ed. I still can't believe that someone so full of life, who did so much is gone. Was fully expecting to get another call at some point to tell me he's entered some crazy race in Australia and ask for a bed! (we would always have a bed/floor for him - though the house is a bit noisier now with two little kids). Ed and I had so many adventures ski/snowboarding but the Japanese ones are probably a stand out, such amazing snow and food etc. I remember Ed eating the biggest bowl of ramen I've ever seen, and nearly falling asleep in a cocktail bar! He was also indirectly responsible for me getting together with my partner and having the kiddos. He came over here and did a race up in the mountains (he was not expecting it to snow), we needed somewhere to stay and I remembered that James - who I'd met at a couple of orienteering events - had arranged accommodation previously up in a ski lodge. He said he could sort it but would have to join us. We got to know each other whilst riding round and supporting Ed and that was that! 5 years later I haven't got rid of him. Please have my condolences. He really was a special guy. Much love Jayne