Derrick and Lesley 7th February 2024

Dear Virginia, Richard, Caroline and David, We were so utterly unprepared for your very sad news that words quite literally failed me and it has taken a while for the tragic news to sink in. However, we can scarcely comprehend what the first days of 2024 have been like for all of you! Your words that you just feel numb really struck home. Our hearts go out to you and we are so very sad and sorry for your loss. I have since found several articles in the news which we missed as we are just out of range of the relevant area, though not too far away in Settle, where we are. As for us, we have happy memories of the family sitting round the dining table with Josie too. I remember the playful banter and Edward's twinkly eyes. He had such an analytical mind even then and would love to present his theories and explanations. He also made us laugh. We clearly remembered his accomplished orienteering skills even at a young age and have since read about his sporting exploits. He was one of life's hundred-percenters and rightly a high achiever. We are very glad to have enjoyed his company and reminiscences of Edward make us smile. I'm sorry to tell you that we will be unable to attend Edward's memorial, but we will certainly remember him in our own way. Derrick and I send our love and deepest sympathies, Lesley