Jamie Parkinson (JOK) 7th February 2024

I would like to share my own memories. I first met Ed as a first year student in 2012, in the pub after the Varsity orienteering match. Ed hadn't actually run that day (a rare thing indeed!) but had been running the OMM with another student for a few years and so came along. He was incredibly friendly, showing great interest in everyone else around the table and not letting on just how quick he was himself. So it was quite a surprise to read in the news the following year about his victories in multiple prestigious 100 mile races. He was always so humble when asked about it. We continued to bump into each other at various events, including the annual Varsity XC fixture on Wimbledon common where Ed laid the course for many years. It was a real privilege to jog round with him one year collecting the markers and learning all his shortcuts across the common. I'm sure most people in Thames, SLOW, JOK, and beyond have had the pleasure of trotting round somewhere with Ed, given how many miles he did. Such moments were never dull, given his endless cheer and stories of travels to various exciting corners of the world. He will be deeply missed. Best wishes, Jamie