George Coulthard 7th February 2024

Dear Ginny, We have been dot watching the 268 mile Pennine way event. The stragglers have now passed over Cross Fell. Over recent years I have spent many hours alone (and also with Anja) on that part of the route. A few years ago I spotted an inscription on a rock I rest on near Little Dun Fell summit (between Great Dun Fell and Cross Fell). The light has to be "right" to see it. Isobel Dunn. 1959 - 1994 Her Spirit lives on in Eden After much research I discovered she was a driving force for East Cumbria Countryside Project, before she was taken by cancer. I have always found the Cross Fell summit block to be like a huge open air cathedral. It is just a very poignant area. You can now see how my words arrived, even in the difficult circumstances: "His spirit will live on in Eden." So Edward will always be in my thoughts George