Hanna Tuomisto 7th February 2024

Dear Virginia, Thank you for organising the possibility to join Ed's memorial online. I really wanted to be there in person, but was not able due to other travel. I would also like to share some memories of Ed with you. I still remember both the first and the last time when I met Ed. I met Ed first time in May 2007 in Oxford where I had just recently moved from Finland to start my DPhil studies. I was also a member of the Oxford University Orienteering Club. We were going to an orienteering event by car and Ed sat in the back seat with me. I started to chat with him and asked where he works. He said that "in the City". As I was new to the UK, I didn't know what that means and thought that it probably means London. So, I asked "do you also live there". Ed replied that "nobody lives there". Then Stephen Granger-Bevan, who was sitting on the front seat (or maybe even driving), said that Hanna does not probably know yet that City means the financial district of London. I'm not sure why I remember this first meeting with Ed so well, but somehow I noticed immediately that Ed is special. After this first meeting, I met Ed regularly at many orienteering events, social events, orienteering weeks and camps as a member of OUOC, JOK and SLOW. I also remember very well a hiking trip in Knoydart in 2010. We were only 6 people on that trip and I remember having great long conversations with Ed when we were walking. The weather on that trip was not great so I didn't take many photos, but I attached a couple of those photos where Ed also appears. In 2017, I moved back to Finland. The last time when I met Ed was at the Jukola relay in Finland in 2018. Ed happened to come to the same bus from the railway station to the event centre and sat next to me. I remember him being very happy and smiley in his colourful clothes. He had a pink mobile phone cover, and I remember saying to him that I should also get a similar one, so that it would be easier to find my phone in a handbag. I was horrified when I read the first news on Facebook that Ed had not returned from his run. At that time he had not been found yet. I hoped for the best and followed the updates regularly on that day. I was deeply saddened when the outcome was confirmed. I have been thinking about Ed a lot since then. It is really unbelievable that something like that can happen. How suddenly a young, healthy and fit person with a huge joy of life can be gone. This is a great reminder how important it is to enjoy every day of life and live fully in a moment, as Ed did. My deepest condolences, Hanna Tuomisto